Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Marketing for Dummies

I just got an email from HDFC Bank Limited. The mailer is supposed to promote net banking. It uses opening a fixed deposit using net banking and goes into various features available. The mailer ends with a four step guide on how to open a fixed deposit using net banking from HDFC Bank Limited.

So far so good. Maybe an interesting mailer.

I open a fixed deposit every month using "net banking of HDFC Bank". {Yeah.. thats how my savings go... me no risk taker on the share market}. As I was going through the mailer, I was getting a feeling of being taken for a dummy. Why is the bank teaching me the ABCs of opening a fixed deposit on the net? Why did they not check my transactions with them on the net? Why did they not know that I am already a master of opening fixed deposits on the net?

I had written a post two years back on the same bank. Here is the link. I so wish the marketer does his homework. Show some respect to the customer. Spent some effort on understanding the customer.

Now if only they teach me how to use futures and options... me heard one cannot lose money there... but then me a dummy when it come to futures and options.

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