Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Notes from KXEN EMEA User Conference

The conference was a good one. There were many customer presentations wherein they highlighted the returns and the ease from using KXEN software. Following are the notes I jotted from the event.
* John Ball started the conference. One of his slides stated a "Factory Analysis v/s Craftman Analysis" (source Gartner).
* La Boite a Outils spoke about using KXEN to identify customers who are ready for a big purchase. They claimed an 80% uplift by using KXEN modelling.
* James Kobielus from Gartner presented the key note. One of his slides stated that businesses can "confidently place your business bets only if you know whether the odds are in your favour"
* He also stated that for businesses to be agile, preditive analytics is necessary as it supports fast response.
* European Commission spoke about building over 1500 models using KXEN to control the shipment of live animals and processed animal products into EU.
* Wolters Kluwer spoke about diversifying risks with multiple projects as opposed to a single large initiative.
* MonotaRo spoke about moving from a state of "selecting which customers to send a 1700 page catalogue" to a state of "select which catalogue to send to each customer"
* The presentation of Logica was the highlight of the session, where they presented how social network is used to identify potential terrorists.

Look out for detailed posts on some of these topics.